No one may use the title medical radiation and imaging technologist or its abbreviations without being a registrant of the CMRITO. CMRITO registrants who hold a current certificate of registration may use the specialty titles and abbreviations appropriate to their specialty as listed below:
Medical Radiation Technologist - Radiography, or MRT(R)
Medical Radiation Technologist - Radiation Therapy or Medical Radiation Technologist - Radiation Therapist, or MRT(T)
Medical Radiation Technologist - Nuclear Medicine, or MRT(N)
Medical Radiation Technologist - Magnetic Resonance, or MRT(MR)
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, or DMS
For those registrants who are registered in more than one specialty, they may add the specialties to the end of the MRT abbreviation, for example: MRT(R)DMS or MRT(N)(MR).
Only registrants of the CMRITO who are currently registered may use the titles and abbreviations listed above. If a registrant of the CMRITO resigns, they are unable to use the specialty titles or abbreviations until they reinstate their registration.