Confirm a Registrant's Status

Details about the information available on the Public Register can be found here.

The online Public Register is one of the most important tools for employers as it allows you to verify that your medical radiation and imaging technologists are registered and legally authorized to practise in Ontario. You may search the register by registrant name (first name, last name or practice name), registration number or by place of practice. If your search results come up empty, please contact the CMRITO.

The Public Register contains the most up-to-date information available from the CMRITO on the status and specialty of a registrant. Managers and HR departments can instantly check whether the medical radiation and imaging technologists employed or being hired at their facility are active registrants of the CMRITO. You can also confirm which specialty(ies) medical radiation and imaging technologists are registered in - radiography, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance, and/or diagnostic medical sonography.

Please contact the CMRITO registration department if you are unable to find a particular medical radiation and imaging technologist, or if you have any questions.