Change of Name & Addition of Practice Name

It is important that your name on the Public Register matches the name that you use in practice, as under the CMRITO professional conduct regulations, it is an act of professional misconduct for registrants to use a different name in practice than that which is on the Public Register.

Change of name:

You are required to notify the CMRITO of any change in your name within seven days of the change. You must complete a hard copy form, attach the necessary documentation and send it by email to the CMRITO registration department at, to request the CMRITO to change your name as it appears in the Public Register.  

To download the form click here.

Addition of practice name:

Frequently, registrants use a first name in practice for ease of use, rather than their official name listed on the CMRITO Public Register.  Registrants can request to add to the Public Register a given name that they use in practice. To make a request to add a given name used in practice to the Public Register, fill out the Add a Practice Name form and send it by email to the CMRITO registration department at