Under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA), practice information is required from all health professionals in Ontario for the HPD and is collected by Ontario’s regulatory colleges. As a member of CMRTO, you are required to provide and/or update this information annually. You can do this by signing into the CMRTO Member and Applicant Profile (MAP) and updating your member and professional information.
The information you provide for the HPD is collected, collated, and stripped of any identifying information before CMRTO submits it to the MOHLTC. This information provides an accurate overview or snapshot of Ontario’s regulated health care workforce and is used to plan for the future needs of the province’s changing health care system. Please click here for additional information on the HPD.
At the same time, CMRTO will ensure that all members have provided their complete register information required under the RHPA and By-law No. 60 for both the public register and confidential contact information, including home mailing address.
Please click here to view a short, instructional video that shows you how to update this information on the Member & Applicant Portal.
CMRTO requires ALL members to update their information no later than Sunday, May 5th. Click here to Sign In to the Member & Applicant Portal: https://cmrto.microsoftcrmportals.com/SignIn.
Thank you for continuing to meet your professional obligations as a regulated medical radiation and imaging technologist.