Completed training on new equipment? Read an article relevant to your practice? Finished an online course? Simply open the app to record the learning activity and time spent completing it, enter what you learned and how you will apply this new learning to your practice, and then transfer the information to your ePortfolio. It’s never been easier to record your CE&PD activities!
If you’ve already downloaded and have been using the app, it should automatically update within a few days of the release. If it doesn’t, you can always go to the Google or Apple store, search for the app, and click on “update” to manually trigger the update to install. Similarly, if you’ve never used the app, search for “CMRITO QuickQA” and click the download icon.
If you run into any issues installing the QuickQA app, please contact our Quality Assurance team by email at or by phone at 416.975.4353 or 1.800.563.5847 for assistance.