Jurisprudence Course

As regulated health professionals, medical radiation and imaging technologists have tremendous responsibilities. In order to live up to them, registrants need to understand not only what they are, but why they are. Our work is governed by complex laws, legislation, and ethics. That’s why all registrants are required to have completed a course in jurisprudence approved by the College. This Jurisprudence Course was created to give you the necessary background and understanding of these laws, regulations, and standards of practice that each registrant must meet.

This course is not an in-depth study of all the complex legislation governing our work in Ontario. The nine learning modules are designed as an overview of relevant regulations and laws. If a registrant wants to delve deeper, please refer directly to the statutes, regulations, and guidelines referenced in the course.

Registrants and individuals reinstating their registration can access the Jurisprudence Course and quiz by logging into your QA ePortfolio and clicking on the Jurisprudence tab. Please click here to view all Jurisprudence modules in French


If you are an applicant you are required to successfully complete the Jurisprudence Course. To complete the Jurisprudence Course, you must create a profile in the CMRITO Portal and start your application for registration. As the system needs 24 hours to register you for the course, access to the course will only be available 24 hours after you start your application. You do not need to submit your application to access the quiz. There is no charge to complete the course. 

After 24 hours has passed, sign back into the CMRITO Portal and you will see a tab on the left side of your profile “Jurisprudence Quiz”. This tab will take you to the Jurisprudence Course and the quiz. You must complete all modules 1 to 9. 

Once you have completed the CMRITO Legislation Learning Package, save a copy of the Certificate of Completion for your records and upload a copy to your online application in the appropriate step. 

Instructions to complete Modules 1 to 8: 

  • download each module to view the content in the module by clicking on the download icon on the right-hand side of the screen
  • once you have reviewed the content of each module you can access the multiple-choice questions for that module in the online quiz 
  • the progress indicator bar will show you your progress in the quiz for each module 
  • you do not need to complete the whole quiz in one sitting 
  • the system will save your progress and you can return to complete the quiz for that module at a later time
  • you can try each quiz as many times as you need to successfully complete the quiz, you must however, answer all the questions correctly

Modules 1 - 8

Download all modules

In this module you will learn about:

In this module you will learn about:

  • Who is responsible for establishing standards of practice for the profession
  • How the CMRITO Standards of Practice set expectations of professional practice for registrants
  • How standards of practice are used by managers, educators, the public and the CMRITO
  • The standards of practice and examples of some indicators for each of the following areas
    • Legislation standards and ethics
    • Equipment and material
    • Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
    • Safe practice
    • Relationship with patients
    • Professional relationships
    • Records and reporting
    • Continuing competence

In this module you will learn about:

  • The goal of a quality assurance program
  • What theRegulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) requires a quality assurance program to include
  • The role of the Quality Assurance Committee
  • The components of the CMRITO’s quality assurance (QA) program, including
    • QA annual declaration
    • QA ePortfolio
    • Individual practice assessments

In this module you will learn about:

  • The importance of orders in a CMRITO registrant’s practice
  • Different kinds of orders, including
    • Direct orders
    • Medical directives or protocols
  • Who has the authority to order procedures & treatments
  • Other conditions that must be met prior to performing a procedure or starting a treatment plan
  • What a member should do if they have concerns about an order or treatment plan
  • A decision-making guide for members implementing a procedure
  • Delegation

In this module you will learn about:

  • CMRITO’s sexual abuse prevention program and zero tolerance philosophy
  • How sexual abuse is defined in theRegulated Health Professions Act
  • Communication and touching principles for registrants of the CMRITO
  • Registrants' obligation to report sexual abuse
  • Registrants' obligation to report child abuse
  • Facility & employer reporting requirements

In this module you will learn about:

In this module you will learn about:

  • Health Care Consent Act including
    • Elements of consent
    • Definitions including
      • Capable
      • Proposer
      • Treatment
      • Course and plan of treatment
    • Activities not considered to be treatment
    • Who is authorized to give consent (substitute decision makers)
    • Exceptions in emergency treatment
  • Consent guidelines for registrants of CMRITO
  • Steps to obtaining consent

In this module you will learn about:

  • How the CMRITO Standards of Practice relate to patient- and family-centred care
  • Expectations of practice
  • How the CMRITO Code of Ethics relates to:
    • The Ontario Human Rights Code
    • The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action
    • The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
  • Communicating with patients and the use of inclusive, affirming, positive language

Instructions to complete Module 9: 

To complete this module you must review the Legislation, Policies and Guidelines applicable to the specialty for which you are applying and confirm that you have read and understood the document:

Module 9 - Statutes, Regulations, Policies, and Guidelines

Note: The legislation, policies and guidelines set out below are applicable to all specialties (radiography, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance and diagnostic medical sonography) unless otherwise indicated:

Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and Regulations

Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017 and Regulations

Health Care Consent Act
CMRITO Sexual Abuse Prevention Program
Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act and Regulations

Nuclear Safety and Control Act and Regulations


Complete the Certificate

Once you have completed all 8 modules of the Jurisprudence Course, click on the “Completion Certificate” tab in the online quiz and then 'Print as a PDF'.  You can save the file for your records. You will be required to upload the Certificate of Completion as part of your online application.