Completing your ePortfolio

A Planning Chart For CMRITO Registrants

Please follow this simple chart, designed to help remain in full compliance with the CMRITO QA Program.


Timeframe Activity Comments
January - March Complete the Self-Assessment and QA Profile in the QA ePortfolio You can complete these any time throughout the year between January and December. It's best, however, to complete it at the beginning of the year. This way it provides maximum assistance in planning your continuing education and professional development activities for the year.
January 1 - December 31 Complete and record at least 25 hours of continuing education and professional development activities in the QA ePortfolio These learning activities may include professional readings, seminars, webinars, learning about a new or updated piece of equipment or software, attendance at staff meetings and rounds, courses and conferences. There are many other types of learning. You must record how you apply the learning in practice. You may attach evidence of your learning, if available, to the Record of Continuing Education and Professional Development.
At the time of completing the registrant's annual renewal of registration with CMRITO Complete the Quality Assurance Declaration to provide evidence of having complied with the requirements of the CMRITO's QA Program You are asked to confirm whether you have complied with the requirements of the CMRITO's QA Program and that you understand the requirements of the QA Program.

You are required to retain a copy of your completed QA portfolio for five years.

You may be required to submit your QA records to the CMRITO for assessment by the QA Committee. You may also be required to undergo a peer and practice assessment. Registrants will be notified by the CMRITO in writing (email) when they are required to submit their QA records or undergo a peer and practice assessment. Should you be required to undergo a peer and practice assessment, you will be provided with the materials and method of the assessment at that time.